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Love, empathy, kindness, strength, is perhaps the ingredient, for being benevolent. Convoluted, vain, psychotic and degenerate, are the paths that seldom follow, unless you unconsciously cerebrate. Practise it in nimiety, and it will not end. Hold it back, and the river will twist and bend. Seek it within first, universe will surely confirm. Seek outside if you must, but be ready to realise, the ‘clever’ ways in which, the universe breaks, the poetry of life. To be fair, All you need is one, overflowing over the edges. Dig deeper , pain could be fun, why not play with matches? You can’t choose your role, but sure can make it your own. 4 ages, 4 years, 4 days, it takes a toll,

have gumption to embrace the unknown. Let’s call it superposition, spinning the tale out of jurisdiction; of time and space, dream and dreams. Between two hand animals, story finds its way. The wind dances, as the trees sway.

Rains and forest fires alike,

bring the dance to light. And I reach out to touch, while it’s touched me all along. The story, told through whispers, hymns at temple, song about a song. Truth be told, even though it may be old; to have a reason, all you need is...


Try as you may, to keep the bubble, of your frail existence, burst it will. Cosmeticize to your heart’s content, miseries and trophies of...

all rights reserved by artist

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